HTML VS HTML5 Differences (Complete List)
- By Admin --
- Mar 25,2021 --
With every new version, we can expect many changes in the language and the benefit it can bring for us. The same is the case with HTML 5. There are notable differences in the latest version. We are highlighting the factors creating differences between HTML and HTML5 below:
HTML is the primary language for developing different pages using website hosting. HTML 5 is the new version of HTML with many new functionalities.
Multimedia Support:
In the basic version, audio and video support are not available. However, this is not the case in HTML 5. It supports both audio and video version.
In basic HTML Language, the cache is the temporary storage. There are multiple options of storage in HTML 5.
Browser Compatibility:
There are no browser compatibility issues found with HTML because it has been in existence for quite long. As HTML 5 is new with modifications in the few tags, so not all browsers are fully compatible with this language.
Graphics Support:
You need different tools for supporting graphics in HTML; however, in HTML 5, all graphics are supported by default.
The storage of data is cookie-based in HRML, whereas in HTML 5, local storage is used.
HTML does not support shapes like circle, rectangle, and triangle, but this is not the case with HTML 5. It fully supports the drawing of the different shapes.
DocType Declaration:
Another difference between HTML and HTML 5 is the doc-type declaration. In HTML, the doctype declaration is too long. But in HTML 5, it is short and limited.
In HTML, the JavaScript and browser interface run in the same threading, whereas multiple threading areas available for running the JavaScript and browser interface.
Summing Up:
In this article, we have tried to discuss the difference between HTML and HTML 5. These are the prominent factors of differentiation; however, many other factors differ in both versions. Once you understand these factors, you can explore the detailed differences as well.
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