How to Set Up a Web Hosting for a Client (Complete Guide)
- By Admin --
- Jul 28,2021 --
Does your client want you to set up the hosting for your website? But you aren’t sure how can you pursue the entire process, especially when your client has purchased a domain and hosting package for you? If that is the case, this guide will help you set up the web hosting for your client.
We’ll take you through the entire process of setting up a website, starting from purchasing the domain name to the hosting services.
So, let’s start:
Chose a domain name:
Your client might already have a domain name available. So, check with your client before you purchase any new domain. If that isn’t the case, you can look for the vacant domain names from a registered registrar.
It can take a bit of your time, but you’ll have to be creative to come up with a name that would be short, memorable, and reflect your brand image.
Besides, you’ll also have to choose the TLD or the last part of the domain name. You can get it country-specific if you are targeting a particular country. Multiple options are available, so you’ll have to choose the one that suits your needs.
Select the hosting company:
The next step in this process is to choose the hosting company. You'll analyze the traffic, security, and speed requirements for your client’s website for finding the best hosting company and package.
If you have an affiliate relationship with any hosting company providers, it is better to inform your client about such a setting to ensure transparency.
Configure the settings:
Preferably, your domain name and hosting should be with a single company. It can save you from a lot of hassle and can provide you with quick integration.
But even if it isn’t, the integration won’t be a problem. You can follow the same steps but at different domains for setting up:
- Login to your hosting company account
- Once you’ll log in, you’ll see the details of your hosting package.
- Hover over the package and click on “manage”.
You’ll find the “Nameserver” tab on setting on this page. Choose the servers depending upon your hosting type. In most cases, the default server option will serve the purpose.
One thing to note here is that if you have a domain name registered with the other registrar, you can get the hosting information from your hosting registrar and point to the name servers (for the domains registered with a different registrar) properly.
For that click on the Custom DNS option, select the server names from your hosting provider, and copy the server information for the proper setup.
Once done, you’ll have to wait for 24 hours to get your website live.
When your domain name is integrated with the hosting, you can open c-panel and install WordPress using the special application that most hosting services provide. Manual website development can be the other option you can use.
Summing Up:
By adopting this procedure, you can set up the web hosting with your client’s domain name with great ease, no matter if your client has already purchased the domain name or hosting or has asked you to do so.