Ny Sag
Hvis du ikke kan finde et svar på dine spørgsmål i vores vidensdatabase kan du oprette en support sag ved at vælge support afdeling nedenfor.
If you want to know any Package Price or any information regarding services which we offer, you can Submit Ticket. BUZZHOST Sales Team Member will contact you ASAP.
If you are BUZZHOST valued client or using our services and facing any issue or need any type of help, Submit Ticket our Support Team member will contact you immediately or solve your issue.
If you are a BUZZHOST valued client or using our services and received any wrong invoice or want to discuss about any Billing Issue regarding your Services, Invoice or Quote. Submit Ticket our Billing Department will contact you immediately.
If you received any abuse email regarding our services you using, you can Submit ticket and we look into it and get back to you ASAP
If you have skills and think you give benefit to BUZZHOST with your skills you can submit your Resume. Our HR team will contact you As Soon As We Open Jobs.